ABC Bias

ABC News Watch

ABC asks Andrew Bolt to comment on their story on Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, yet despite a morning of filming, edits him out.

A columnist admits a “leftie love-in“.

Attempt to belittle the convoy of no-confidence.

Catherine Deveny expresses her desire to stone skeptics.

Cherry-picking the results of a survey to claim skeptics are an “endangered species“.

Cherry-picking to find support for the carbon tax.

Claims that NT fires are abnormal.

Clive Hamilton “barely makes a point that does not dispute itself”.

Confession that the ABC serves government interests.

Four Corners persists with tipping point alarmism.

Graham Readfern on the “origin of skeptics“.

How the ABC long ago decided that skeptics were wrong.

I can change you mind about climate and the follow up Q&A.

It airs, uncontested the assertion by Ian Chubb that the last decade has been the warmest in the planet’s history.

Jon Faine tries to avoid questions of the greens.

Kellie Tranter rants about “deniers” and wants to sue skeptics.

Media Watch skirts around the ANU death threats issue.

Ramon Glazov’s attempt to smear skeptics with innuendo.

Refusal to remove a defamatory comment against Steve McIntyre.

Robyn “100m” Williams ignoring skeptics and “ignoring the tenets of science“. And more Robyn Williams bias from Jo Nova.

Slow reaction to climategate.

Spin and lies over the state of Alpine catchments.

Stephen Lewandowsky tries the “conspiracy theorist” smear.

The ABC endorsed this computer game which told children when to die so they don’t use more than their fair share of the planet.

The ABC’s attempts to denigrate skeptics.

The ABC attempts to indoctrinate children in global warming alarmism.

The Monckton vs. Denniss debate at the National Press Club was suppose to be aired on ABC24, but suddenly went missing.

This episode of Catalyst featured a disgraceful attack on skeptics and anti-carbon tax protesters.

Tony Jones’ attempt to trip up Ian Plimer…if only he’d apply the same standard to warmists.

Tony Jones’ interview with Steven Fielding.

Wendy Carlisle’s attempt to take down Lord Monckton backfire. See also Professor Bunyip’s ‘Wendy’s Wonderland’, Parts I, IIIIIIV and V.

When the WA liberal party gets behind a motion to launch a royal commission into climate science, the ABC finds only a dissenting voice.

4 Responses to ABC Bias

  1. Pingback: Monckton and those damn miners | Climate Nonconformist

  2. Pingback: Defend our Freedom of Speech | Climate Nonconformist

  3. Pingback: Slanting the debate | Climate Nonconformist

  4. Craig Havenaar says:

    Add Wendy Bacon to the list !

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