Climate Fool of the Week

  1. 9/7/11– Simon Sheikh
  2. 16/7/11– Julia Gillard
  3. 23/7/11– Wendy Carlisle
  4. 30/7/11– Christine Milne
  5. 6/8/11– Tanya Plibersek
  6. 13/8/11– Al Gore
  7. 20/8/11– NASA Scientists (Baum et al.)
  8. 27/8/11– Anthony Albanese (+rest of labor)
  9. 3/9/11– Al Gore
  10. 10/9/11– ABC
  11. 17/9/11– Al Gore
  12. 24/9/11– Mark Dreyfus
  13. 1/10/11– Ian Chubb
  14. 8/10/11– Michael Mann
  15. 15/10/11– Australian Government
  16. 22/10/11– Richard Muller
  17. 29/1011– Steven Sherwood
  18. 5/11/11– World Wildlife Fund

7 Responses to Climate Fool of the Week

  1. Richard A says:

    Nomination for Climate FOOL of the week

    Australia’s Chief Climate Commissioner, Professor Tim Flannery… On sea rise…
    . “In his book Now or Never, Professor Tim quotes James Hansen “who is the world’s leading thinker in this area” saying that “we are on the brink of triggering a 25 metre sea-level rise”. Tim goes onto say “So anyone with a coastal view from their bedroom or kitchen window is likely to lose their house as a result of that change”. The Australian of 5th March 2010 quotes a Tim Flannery estimate of a 60 metre sea-level rise. ”

    Thursday, 28 July 2011…Revealed Tim Flannery owns a waterfront home at Coba Point. (30 k north Sydney). Have confirming links available.

    • Climate Nonconformist says:

      Thanks for the tip. I don’t know how I overlooked this when it came out. It seems I’ve let him off the hook and I certainly can’t let that happen. Probably fit him in this week.

  2. Pingback: Climate Fool of the Week #6 | Climate Nonconformist

  3. grumpy says:

    Another nomination. Greg Combet for his claim that opposing a carbon tax is racist.

  4. Pingback: Climate Fool of the Week #8 | Climate Nonconformist

  5. I think that: anybody who puts the phony GLOBAL warming and constant climatic changes in the same basket, can go on that list (from both camps)

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